

Hayti – a historical novel set in the Caribbean during the sixteenth century

Description: During the Spanish Civil War a German anarchist and historian serving with the International Brigade discovered an account of how a Florentine nun led a mission to Hayti, Spain’s first American colony, two decades after its ‘discovery’ by Christopher Columbus. But she also had a secret assignment – to find out if the passage through to Asia depicted on a world map published by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller actually existed. During her investigations, she meets up with Fray Hugo de Montenegro, a Dominican monk who has been there for several years and has been collecting accounts of Spanish atrocities; and she comes into contact with Taíno freedom fighters and their allies, escaped African slaves who had been imported to work on the new sugar plantations, as well as to the attention of the brutal colonial authorities. The narrative unfolds against the background of the horrors of the Spanish Conquest of the Americas, the destruction of its original peoples, the commencement of the Atlantic slave trade and the beginnings of globalisation with the foundation of the Spanish Empire. But is it a factual account or the first work of fiction written in the Americas?

Free ebook versions (epub, mobi for Kindle, PDF, non-commercial Creative Commons licence) now available:

Download PDF here: Hayti – Kurtis Sunday
epub and mobi at
epub and mobi at Internet Archive:

Print edition available from Cambria Books:

Print edition also available from Amazon UK and Amazon USA



Mitteleuropa – an alternate history set in a world in which the First World War did not taken place

Vienna, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but in a world in which the First World War did not take place: a man disappears. Ludwig Pechstein, of the Pechstein Security and Investigations Agency, is asked to investigate. The trail leads to gruesome secret government chemical warfare research programmes, a land commune in Switzerland, smugglers of avant-garde art, political radicals in the East End of London, and a Zionist colony in German Central Africa.

Download PDF here: Mitteleuropa – Kurtis Sunday

epub and mobi at
epub and mobi at Internet Archive:

Print edition available from Cambria Books:

Print edition also available from Amazon UK and Amazon USA


atheists bible

An Atheists’ Bible – a historical novel set in Paris during the eighteenth century

Description:  Paris, during the bloodiest days of the Revolution: a book entitled An Atheists’ Bible is discovered by the authorities. Though it is considered ‘profoundly reactionary and perversely pornographic’, it is published as an example of how decadent and corrupt life under the Old Regime had been. But what is An Atheists’ Bible and who wrote it? It is set in 1759 when the government of Louis XV was in the process of banning Diderot’s great Encyclopédie and the Seven Years War was raging. It purports to be a true account of how the printer Bageuret discovers a secret cache of twenty sets of the Encyclopédie in a Parisian warehouse and teams up with the aristocratic twins, Gilles and Sophie-Françoise d’Argenson, to sell them. But finding buyers and smuggling the books out of Paris proves more difficult than anticipated. The Encyclopédie has many enemies, including the Jesuit General and the fanatic Brass Head de la Haye, who are determined to see the death of the abomination. And Paris is a city of spies and informers, a heaving metropolis where the notorious cabinet noir tries to keep tabs on everything that happens in the so-called philosophy trade.

Download PDF here: An_Atheists_Bible_PDF_ebook

epub and mobi at

epub and mobi at Internet Archive:

Print edition available at Cambria Books: and from Amazon.


anarchy in a cold war

Anarchy in a Cold War – a Berlin novel

Anarchy in a Cold War is set in the West Berlin alternative-squatter-Punk scene during the latter part of the Cold War. The city, a focal point in the conflict between East and West, was a capitalist enclave smack in the middle of Communist East Germany. It was entirely surrounded by the Berlin Wall, complete with razor wire and machine gun posts. There is much that is familiar and much that is not. The Cold War is raging and the missiles are armed and waiting in their silos. If nuclear war breaks out there will be a four minute warning. There is no internet and perhaps NO FUTURE. Reality? Sur-reality? Or hyper-reality?

There is a also a free (Creative Commons) the ebook version (PDF, epub and mobi) of Anarchy in a Cold War now available:

Download PDF here: Anarchy in a Cold War – Kurtis Sunday
epub and mobi at Internet Archive:
Print copies available from:

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